Kilkenny Climate 30 year averages (1961-1990):

Climate is a measure of the typical weather conditions expected and these are shown below. However nothing stays the same forever and we have seen considerable changes to our climate since 1990. Use the menu on this page to view the climate change trends and climate statistics for inidividual years from 2008 onwards.

* All the above data comes courtesy of Met Éireann. More 30 year averages are available here:

Note re climate data: We in Kilkenny do not have the luxury of long term (>100 yrs) data from any one climate site. Nevertheless I have combined the data from the three sites 1) Kilkenny Castle 1886-1900 2) Kilkenny Met Station 1957-2008 3) My own site 2007+ . All three sites are within a radius of 1km and an 11 month comparison between my site and Kilkenny Met revealed only a -0.1C difference. Looking at the Kilkenny Castle average and extreme data, I would not expect much appreciable differerences here either, to the other two sites.